Enfocus PitStop 2023 Update 1

macOS Sonoma Support
This PitStop version is compatible with the latest Sonoma macOS.

Flatten Form XObjects
Some users reported that a few third parties' applications do not cope well with Form XObjects.
You now can extract objects from a Form XObject using this action. Note that the extraction won’t work if the Form XObject is a transparency group to prevent modifying the visual appearance of the document. See existing Form XObject selection (the form contains two objects). Running “Flatten Forms” will extract objects.

Be aware. Running this action on a complex document will increase file size and memory
consumption. Form XObjects by default optimize those parameters by allowing objects to be
possibly referenced multiple times across a document. Therefore, we recommend using this
action with care.

Add Overlay PDF, Place PDF and Add Copied Graphics UI Enhancements
You can now select which page of the PDF you want to place. It’s also possible to set the imported content as an isolated group. The “Add Copied Graphics” now lets you set the page to import. It’s also possible to apply a specific scale on placement and the “Overlay PDF” action now lets you set the placed content as an isolated group.

Select by Fill Type
You can now select paths by fill type. Non-Zero Winding and Even-Odd fill types affect the way objects are rendered. Fill Type can be seen in the Inspector (see Fill and Stroke toggle) More details on “Fill Types” can be found here: http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/nonzero-rule

Check for incorrect Type 3 font resources
Users experiencing issues with incorrect Type 3 font resources can now use an action to detect those problems.

New options for placing Color Bars
This version introduces new options for placing color bars onto the page.

Select required color set
You can now select all colors except the one defined in the required color set.
Consider the CMYK objects; in order to get Yellow and Magenta objects, you can use “Require color set” to exclude Black and Cyan from your selection i.e.

Disable Debugging Datasets in Switch
You can now choose to not generate the Troubleshooting datasets that the PitStop Server
configurator typically produces in Enfocus Switch workflows. Setting this field to “No” will result in some processing speed improvements as Memory Usage will be reduced.
We recommend you set “Add troubleshooting datasets” to “No” unless you really want to get the extra datasets generated for debugging purposes.

Speed Improvements
We improved our internal algorithms for the benefit of speed, regarding the following actions:
• Select overlapping objects
• Select inside or outside contour
• Select concealed objects
• Select visible objects
Significant improvements should be noticed when working with complex documents and
running GWG2022 preflight profiles.

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